Angular JS and React JS are unique and resourceful in their own ways. These frameworks are quite easy to use with high-end potential to build cutting-edge mobile and web applications.
AngularJS: vs ReactJS:
AngularJS is managed by Google – ReactJS is owned by Facebook
We need to understand the similarities between Angular JS and React JS before listing down the differences.
JavaScript:In both the cases, JavaScript (ES5 and ES6) is fundamental. As both are from the same language background, hence flexibility and reliability are the same.
CSS3: You cannot perform serious front-end coding without CSS3. Luckily both the frameworks support CSS3 and give you more opportunity to do better.
HTML5: Like other frameworks, for these two also HTML5 is obvious. Though the depth of knowledge required for both the frameworks is not same but they have quite similar applications.
Design Patterns and Object Oriented principles: Not only in languages but these two frameworks have their similarities in designs as well. Some parameters such as Pure Functions, Singletons, Immutability, Composability, Inheritance, and many others are core concepts helping you in doing good development in general.
Advantages of AngularJS:
- Easy Decision-Making: Since AngularJS is a framework, it provides significantly opinions and functionality that are out of the box. AngularJS helps you get started more quickly without feeling intimidated by decisions. This also helps new developers feel at home more quickly and makes switching developers between teams more easy and practical.
- Component Structure: AngularJS 2 evolved from a framework to a platform. Therefore, you can easily use its components with other frameworks. Additional functionality may be implemented just as in the form of components that accomplish it completely, so as directives that extend the functionality of the existing component.
- Developing Environment: You can choose your favorite environment for developing with AngularJS. Although most of its developers use Type Script, you are free to apply Javascript, CoffeeScript, or Dart. For templates, you can use either pure HTML or pre-processors like Jade.
- Testing in AngularJS vs ReactJS: Initially, AngularJS was created to make it easy to write tests for applications, especially if you utilize modules, as recommended in the official documentation. Therefore, AngularJS has a major advantage of testing ease which gives another reason to choose AngularJS.
Advantages of React JS:
- SEO-friendly, Where all the JavaScript frameworks are reactive towards SEO, ReactJS does a marvelous job in that. You are able to run ReactJS on the server and the virtual DOM will be returned and rendered to your browser as a regular web page. You don’t need to apply any other tricks.
- JSX is an HTML alike syntax that compiles down to JavaScript. For JSX, markup and codes are composed in the same file. This means code completion gives you a helping hand as you type references to your component’s functions and variables. In contrast, AngularJS’s string-based templates come with the usual downsides: There is no code coloring in many editors, limited code completion support, and run-time failures. Hence ReactJS is ahead in this.
- ReactJS Native is much more focused on user interface, unlike AngularJS. It gives your users a highly responsive interface with the help of JavaScript interactions between the Native environment of the device and ReactJS Native. Therefore, this increases the application’s load time and helps to keep it running smoothly without any interruptions.
The above mentioned is a brief about the difference between AngularJS and ReactJS. Watch this space for more information on the latest trends in Technology.