Introduction to Angular 6

Angular 6 is a right choice to build web Single Page Applications. It helps to publish web component which is used in an HTML page. Angular 6 was released on May 4, 2018. It includes the Component Development Kit (CDK), Angular CLI (Command Line Interface), and Angular Material Package Update.

The framework includes a full suite of directives and modules that allow you to easily implement some of the most common scenarios for a web app, like navigation, authorization, forms, and reporting. It also comes with all the necessary packages to add tests using the Jasmine framework and run them using the Karma or Protractor test runners.

Angular architecture is based on components, templates, directives, and services. It provides a built-in dependency injection mechanism for your services, as well as two-way data binding to connect your views with your component code.

Angular uses Type Script, a typed super-set of JS, and will make some things easier, especially if you come from a typed language background.

Features of Angular 6:

  • Ivy renderer: This is a code name of a new renderer that will make the size of the app smaller and the compilation faster. The size of the Hello World app is only 3KB gzipped. The Angular Team promises that switching to Ivy rendered will be smooth, and I’ll take my hat off if they’ll be able to make it a non-breaking change.
  • Bazel and Closure Compiler: Bazel is a build system used for nearly all software built at Google, including their 300+ apps written in Angular. Closure Compiler is the bundling optimizer used to create JavaScript artifacts for nearly all Google web applications. The Closure Compiler consistently generates smaller bundles and does a better job in dead code elimination compared to Web-pack and Roll-up bundlers. In the upcoming releases of the Angular framework, you’ll be able to use this tool-chain for building your apps as well.
  • Component Dev Kit (CDK): This package is already used by the Angular Material library, which offers 30+ UI components. What if you don’t want to use Angular Material but want to build your own library of UI components and control page layouts? CDK allows you to do this. It also supports Responsive Web Design layouts eliminating the need for using libraries like Flex Layout or learning CSS Grid. CDK was released in December of 2017, but the Angular Team keeps improving it.
  • Schematics and ng update. Angular CLI generates Angular artifacts using the technology called Schematics. If you decide to create your own templates and have Angular CLI use it, Schematics will help you with this. Staring from Angular CLI 1.7, you can use the ng update that automatically updates your project dependencies and makes automated version fixes. With Schematics, you’ll be able to create your own code transformations like ng update.
  • A component must belong to an NgModule in order for it to be usable by another component or application. To specify that a component is a member of an NgModule, you should list it in the declarations property of that NgModule.

The @NgModule decorator properties that describe the module are:

  • Declarations: The classes that belong to this module and are related to views. There are three classes in Angular that can contain views: components, directives and pipes.
  • Exports: The classes that should be accessible to other modules components.
  • Imports: Modules whose classes are needed by the components of this module.
  • Providers: Services present in one of the modules which are going to be used in the other modules or components. Once a service is included in the providers, it becomes accessible in all parts of that application.
  • Bootstrap: The root component which is the main view of the application. Only the root module has this property and it indicates the component that’s gonna be bootstrapped.
  • Entry Components: An entry component is any component that Angular loads imperatively, (which means you’re not referencing it in the template), by type.

The above is a brief about Angular 6. Watch this space for more updates on the latest trends in Technology.


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